Thursday, February 7, 2008


I am beside myself.

So, the request for a leave was denied, I must keep on truckin' in school, but I am SOOOOO tired after 5 years of graduate school, can't I take a break? Apparently not.

So now I am scrambling to get back on track here, where I had put in my notice to vacate my apartment and had dropped classes. And I must get up the courage to let the university in Oaxaca know that I now am not taking the job I tentatively accepted, and who knows if I will make it back to Guanajuato by spring which was my plan.

You better believe I am still trying to find a way to get back there. Even if it means that my online classes are taken from Cafe Tal in Guanajuato.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you don't get to go back as soon as you had hoped. I hope school goes quickly for you!