Saturday, December 22, 2007

the weekend is here

I can`t believe I have only been here one week. I feel so at home here - I have made great friends, have learned the basic lay of the town, and feel comfortable with my host family. I actually had a very vivid dream last night outlining how I can manage to stay here 5 more months and not lose what I have at home... I am thinking very seriously. My visa will allow me to stay here 6 months.

Last night I went to the family`s house in the country, an hour drive out of Guanajuato. The long drive took us from paved road to gravel, to a dirt road with rocks and fissures that we navigated with caution considering the mammoth sized cake we carried in the back. The pastel, or cake, was a special tres leches con cafe cake for Karla who was having her 7th birthday party. Her grandmother greeted us with a large smile and a kiss for each of us on our right cheek and we had some small talk as we were handed cold beers. More and more people arrived and soon it was a fiesta to beat all others. There were kids and dogs and food and laughter; this amazing large family was full of so much joy. As each new group arrived, the pile of presents for her grew, and it was wonderful to watch.At nightfall the men strung the piñata - one side from the sturdy window frame and the other side held by a man on the roof. As the kids went to hit it, he raised, lowered, and swung it to and fro to everyone`s amusement. When the piñata broke, a swarm of folks rushed to the goods, with a chorus of screams and cheers. As the kids got more worn out and the night went on, the men brought out tequila mmmm! Great party, and how cool to be welcomed in like that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your friends in Wisconsin are so happy to read your news. And we are so happy to know that somewhere it is warm. The cold here is below any sense of normalcy (-8 degrees chill factor). Have a wonderful Christmas, and keep up the good language learning. love from SS