Sunday, December 16, 2007

So, my flight to Leon/Guanajuato leaves in about 6 hours, and I am feeling a mixture of excitement, nerves, and uncertainty. I know this will be the best experience, and I have been talking about doing this for years, so why the jitters? I have never traveled alone... although I have seen a lot of the world, it was always with my family or a close friend. I am ready, though, to be immersed in the language and to have a new experience. Having been a slave to my graduate school program for the last 5 years, stepping outside of my comfort zone and my reality for 4 weeks is just what I need. I have been listening to Mexican radio daily and have been urging my Mexican friends to speak spanish with me - still this departure doesn't seem quite real. In 12 hours I will be arriving in Mexico to meet my host family and have a whole new experience. My bag is (mostly) packed, I wonder if I overpacked. At this point, there is no turning back, and that sentiment in itself makes for an exciting evening as I await the departure hour! Today was about running around: buying batteries, alarm clock, a notebook, toiletries.... saying goodbye and giving out holiday wishes to friends, making calls. I am now thinking about little things, like were the gifts I bought for my host family enough, and will they like them? I got little things that say "Colorado" on them so I can show them where I am from, and hope they like the sentiment. It is the first time I will spend the holidays away from my family, and I am a little nervous about barging in on another family for their holidays, but I know in my heart it will be a wonderful time. It is 12:08 am. My ride will be here in 3 hours. I am ready.


davidindenver said...


Have fun down in Mexico, I'm looking forward to hearing about your experience. Keep me posted Nancy. I'm envious. Au revoir mon amie

Unknown said...

Hey Nancy, I hope you made it there ok and I can't wait to hear how things are going!
your favorite sister.