Friday, November 27, 2009

headed to Africa!

I just read my last post, written on November 21, 2008. Not long after that entry, I returned to my lovely Guanajuato and had Christmas with dear friends who have become more like family. In the year that followed, I continued to be in love with the lifestyle and the people, and I think I am forever changed; more open, more loving, more me. It was my life, and as it was now normal life I guess I didn't feel the need to blog about it. But now I am returning to being a blogger, this time in order to chronicle my next adventure...

Though some scary experiences led me to announce to my parents 15 years ago that I would never return to West Africa, travel in recent years has made me curious and hungry for more. I remember the fear I felt while there as a child and a young adult, but now after a decade and a half away, I feel an interest in reconnecting. Part of me is terrified, remembering the big guns and those who had no qualms about putting them in our faces, and other close calls, threats of jailings and the ever present concern of kidnappings. But each time I get on the phone with my aunt and chat my hellos, I feel a little twinge, a feeling that it is time to go with my Dad and try not to be afraid, see my family, consider it an adventure instead of being fearful. 15 years away - I guess it's time. I've tried to revive my French with novels, a course on the computer, and conversation meetup dinners. My passport is newly adorned with visas to Benin, Togo, Burkina Faso and Mali. I have had my immunizations and I have an extra memory card and battery for my camera. For 2 months we will be a father-daughter team, and I will reunite with family and visit places that I once saw as a child and other places I have never seen. I mostly look forward to the Voodoo Feast in January - this religion originated from my father's country, Benin. And this annual festival is a great opportunity to learn, watch ceremonies, and discuss Voodoo with the priests and those who study this important part of the Benin cuture. So, welcome back to my blog, this way I can take you with me on this next adventure...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad I met you in that little bar sipping wine in chapel hill north carolina. It is strange that the word voodoo for some reason means a lot to me, as I remember a strange class I had the luck of getting to be an av (audio visual service) guy for and got to watch the whole ceremony on video. It was a foreign cultures class or something like that, and it was freaking fascinating, but strangely enough, similar to some of the christian serpent culture here in America, etc..etc.. and the Haitian voodoo with the whole paralysis, blow fish thing...
I am fascinated by that stuff... so anyway, I hope you do document your travels and tell me all about it when you get back.

oxox scotty