Thursday, May 15, 2008

4:35am:I have the greatest friends ever

I know I only pick good people to have in my life. But this was further realized as I called on some of them while I was in a pinch. The greatest people ever. Nice to be reminded that the people in my life are amazing. They insisted on helping me pack, jumped right in and helped me when I suddenly had no movers, took my living room furniture when the buyer canceled, stayed up late to help me deliver boxes and my bed to my storage place, called me in for a late night party to wind down, gave me lots of hugs. Then there's Amy who graciously opened her house to me for my return! (although I dream of not coming back...) Nearly everything is moved out, and I feel more free and ready than ever to go off to find my adventure.

I love all of you, and a huge thank you for what you have done for me as I could not have made this move without you: Alex, Stacey, Adam, Nick, Jen, Amy, Brittany, Christian, Jason, Jake


I am so lucky to have such great folks in my life.

and of course, I have not forgotten the rest of you lovelies in my circle!

1 comment:

Alex Oliszewski said...

Marco! Your good friends want to know how things are going!

Hope all is well.
